The Institute

The Institute for Advanced Study of Social Change (IASSC) is the permanent observatory on social change of the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Milan-Bicocca. It was born the 16 January 2019 and is financed by the funds for Departments of Excellence, under Italian Law 232 of 11 December 2016. The IASSC was set up to promote the collection, storage and use of longitudinal quantitative and qualitative data on the course of the lives of families in Italy. It also invests in high-level training initiatives and promotes the formation of working groups and the organisation of seminars that use the data to explore social change theories and methodology research. The IASSC makes full use of the network of relations between the Department of Sociology and Social Research and the media, public bodies, the third sector, and civil society, acting as a point of reference for the launch and assessment of public policy on varying scales and offering great potential within the scope of research aiming to improve well-being within Italian society. At the same time, the Institute represents an important opportunity for Italy to measure itself against other advanced experiences within the panorama of international research.


Director: Serafino Negrelli

Scientific Committee: Lavinia Bifulco, Marina Calloni, Maurizio Catino, Elena Dell’Agnese, Carmen Leccardi, Mario Lucchini, Fulvia Mecatti, Gianmarco Curio Navarini, Serafino Negrelli, Giampaolo Nuvolati, Maurizio Pisati, Emanuela Maria Sala, Domingo Scisci, Sonia Stefanizzi, Silvio Troisi.

Advisory Board: Maurizio Catino, Carmen Leccardi, Dean Lillard, Mario Lucchini, Serafino Negrelli, Giampaolo Nuvolati, Gianfranco Parati, Maurizio Pisati, Emanuela Maria Sala, Antonio Schizzerotto, Sonia Stefanizzi, Johanna Wyn.

Executive Committee: Carmen LeccardiMario Lucchini, Serafino Negrelli, Maurizio Pisati.

Project Manager (ITA.LI - Quantitative Study): Mario Lucchini.

Project Manager (ITA.LI - Qualitative Study): Carmen Leccardi.

Project Managers (Working Groups): Lavinia Bifulco, Elena Dell’Agnese.

Communication and Internationalization Manager: Marina Calloni.